When we think of franchise, big names, high cost etc. comes to mind. Franchise has been traditionally associated with successful brands; investor seeks to use existing brand awareness, associated brand premium to establish their shops. If you do a quick search on Google, a classic definition that pops up is “a business method that involves licensing of trademarks and methods of doing business” [WIKIPEDIA] Although big franchise in retail, food, media etc. are famous. But have you heard of franchise at street vendor level!! I will try to explain this by an example from streets of Bangalore. Panipuri [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panipuri] If you don’t know what Panipuri is, please visit the attached link. Basically it is type of snacks. It is available throughout India, although customized according to taste and liking of region. So when Bangalore started with bang on software development arena, many things happened. Lot of people from northern part of India started wor...
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